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The algorithm of pedagogical support for the formation of flexible competencies

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The atlas with a list of new professions confirms the idea that system thinking is one of the most sought-after skills of the future, as a result, system thinking is related to 4K competencies. Flexible competencies (softskills) are especially important in modern education, in achieving personal, subject, meta-subject results by schoolchildren, along with skills that will be related to professional activity in a particular field, the definition of spiritual and moral, general cultural, general intellectual value orientations of a growing personality in the future. The analysis of the relationship of 4K with the requirements of personal results of the federal state standards of primary general education and basic general education allowed us to identify the actual vector of the practical value of flexible competencies, namely, the ability to build communication (communication), creatively (creatively) perform certain tasks, the ability to critically evaluate information and work effectively in a team, interacting with each other in real, sometimes in crisis conditions of society. The formation of flexible competencies among students based on the methods used to study, analyze information sources, experiment, modeling, design, planning, design, updated format of extracurricular activities, the algorithm proposed in this paper, made it possible to make the process of achieving results as effective as possible.

  • Удалова Раиса Ивановна
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Authors: Удалова Раиса Ивановна
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 152-158
УДК: 373.5.032
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-152-158
Keywords: algorithm, pedagogical support, route of pedagogical support, flexible competencies, formation process, algorithm design, personal results, extracurricular activities
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