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The specifics of modern vocal variety art in Russia

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Vocal pop art is a fundamentally important social institution that is very actively functioning in the modern system of Russian culture. During his research, the author comes to conclusions about the versatility and multifunctionality of modern vocal pop art in Russia, its enormous ideological and applied significance for the current and future development of society. In addition to a considerable number of positive development prospects, it is also noted that in this context there are certain problematic sectors, such as the stereotypical perception of pop songs by ordinary people and some researchers, insufficient elaboration of didactic (including methodological) methods of teaching student vocalists, insufficient attention of reference groups to the huge creative and ideological potential of this type of musical art. The main conclusion of the author was that vocal pop art is a strategically significant resource for the development of domestic cultural capital.

  • Чжан Иньжань
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Authors: Zhang Yinran
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 171-176
УДК: 784.75(470)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-171-176
Keywords: vocal art, variety song, modern musical culture of Russia, popular performances
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