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Utopia or reality? The slogan of the whites: «The Tsar and the Soviets»

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Review of the monograph: Bazanov P. N. The Tsar and the Soviets: Russian emigration in the struggle for Russian statehood: political and publishing activity. – Saint-Petersburg: Russ. Christian Humanitarian Acad., 2021. – 334 p. – ISBN: 978-5-907505-26-1 Monograph by P. N. Bazanov, devoted to three currents of the Russian Diaspora: Smenovekhovites, post-revolutionaries and Young Russians, who were united by the idea of the meaninglessness of the struggle against the Soviet system. They believed that Soviet power was gradually evolving, the Young Russians advocated the revival of the monarchy.

  • Арифуллин Фарит Мунерович
  • 1. Melgunov S. P. A terrible figure (about himself). Russian Democrat. Paris, 1953. 2 (23), 39–42 (in Russ.).
Authors: Arifullin Farit Munerovich
Рубрика: Рецензии
Pages: 183-185
УДК: 94(47+57) )”192/194”:323.113(=161.1)(049.32)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2022-3-183-185
Keywords: : Smenovekhovites, post-revolutionaries, Young Russians, magazine «Third Russia», Soviet government, monarchy
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