научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

90 years of psychological and pedagogical training of personnel in the university of culture

  • Annotation
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The article highlights the main milestones in the history of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, formed at the first institute of out-of-school education in Russia, which even today trains cadres of cultural figures for Russia and other countries. The author, who has headed this department for almost 30 years, shares her memories, thoughts about the role of the department of pedagogy and psychology in the training of humanitarian specialists, about those who worked at the department, whose research, initiatives, communication style shaped the traditions of the department, influenced numerous graduates. The article shows that the outstanding psychologists and teachers A. G. Kovalev, E. A. Korsunsky, I. F. Goncharov, V. L. Drankov laid the foundation for scientific research problems, continued by colleagues not only in this, but also in other departments. The author notes the importance of general scientific disciplines for the professional training of humanities, drawing attention to the importance for the teachers of these departments of development and courses of the professional cycle in the case when the department becomes a graduating one. At present, the need for a psychological and pedagogical component of the educational process seems to be particularly relevant. It is in the classes in psychology and pedagogy that students gain knowledge about the formation of personality, the problems of growing up, the nature of talent and the perception of art, building a family and education of patriots. It is noted that the experience of the department for 90 years shows the positive and negative aspects of domestic education, which are instructive for modern teachers.

  • Протанская Елена Сергеевна
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Authors: Protanskaya Elena Sergeevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 31-38
УДК: 378.600.8(470.23-25):37.015.31(091)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-1-31-38
Keywords: general scientific departments, pedagogical profile, psychology and pedagogy
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