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Collect and scatter: the architectonics of cultural space

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The architectonics of the cultural space obeys the laws and its movement is guided by intentions. Such intentions may include gathering and scattering, which arbitrarily and freely concentrate and dilute the space of culture, directing it to the main centers of development. Spatial extension is complemented by a variety of temporality. The cultural space of the subject, subordinated to personal interests and the peculiarities of its own world formation, is highlighted. Event certainty is fixed by naming. Thanks to the event, time discovers a structure filled with multidirectional intentions. The main ones are: focus on the subject, focus on being and focus on one’s own nature – on the event. The social space, unlike the cultural one, is radical. Therefore, its main intentions are defined as cutting and stitching.

  • Суворов Николай Николаевич
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Authors: Suvorov Nikolai Nikolaevich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 57-62
УДК: 008:114
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-1-57-62
Keywords: space, time, culture, subjectivity, gathering, scattering, cutting, stitching, temporality, artifact, center, periphery
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