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«Museum boundaries» as a subject of professional reflection

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The review offers analysis of the scientific discussion, which was held by participants of AllRussian scientific and practical seminar, organized by the Chair of Museology and Cultural Heritage of SPb State University of Culture in February 2023. The main subject in discussion was a new definition of the notion “Museum” as adopted by 26th General Conference and incorporated in the Charter of ICOM. The said event was interpreted by the participants of the Seminar as a milestone in determination of the social and cultural mission of museum in modern society. It is also important for the development of museology, which is involved in the formation of modern cultural medium due to its scientific and educational importance. The Seminar was dedicated to 90th anniversary of the professor of culturology, Dr. V. P. Gritzkevitch. The review of the positions of the speakers was compiled based on the materials of the video recording of the seminar in order not only to record and summarize the results of its work, but also to give impetus to the professional reflection of the museum community.

  • Балаш Александра Николаевна
  • ICOM General Conference in Prague // ICOM Russia: offic. website. URL: https://icom-russia.com/ data/events/generalnaya-konferentsiya-ikom-vprage/?sphrase_id=1346238 (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Information letter of the All-Russian scientificpractical seminar «The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new definition of ICOM?». SaintPetersburg, 2022. 1 (in Russ.).
  • Kuklinova I. A. The genesis of the museum as a socio-cultural institution in the concept of V. P. Gritskevich and the views of modern researchers. The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video All-Russ. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Cherkaeva O. E. Valentin Petrovich Gritskevich as a universal scientist. The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video AllRuss. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Stefko M. S., Sundieva A. A., Cherkaeva O. E. A new definition of the concept of «museum»: the experience of discussion in the working group of the ICOM of Russia The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video AllRuss. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Translation of the definition of the concept «Museum». ICOM Russia: offic. website. URL: https:// icom-russia.com/data/events/perevod-opredeleniyaponyatiya-muzey/ (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Recommendation on the protection and promotion of museums and collections: adopted by the 38th General Conf. UNESCO Nov. 17.2015. ICOM of Russia: offic. website. URL: https://icom-russia.com/ data/events/rekomendatsiya-yunesko-ob-okhrane-ipopulyarizatsii-muzeev-i-kollektsiy-ikh-raznoobraziyai-ikh-roli/ (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Gnedovsky M. B. (transl., ed.). ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums / ICOM, ICOM Russia. 2014. URL: https://icom.museum/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/ code_russia2013-1.pdf (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Shlyakhtina L. M. Keeps, studies, exhibits and ... Sociocultural determinism of the museum as a phenomenon. The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video All-Russ. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/ RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Mastenitsa E. N. The concept of “museum” in scientific and academic discourse. The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video All-Russ. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Kuznetsov D. N. Museums for local communities. Mission and goal in the concept of development of the museum business of the Republic of Karelia. The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video All-Russ. sci.- practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/RxBFS_ fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • The concept of development of the museum business of the Republic of Karelia for the period up to 2034. National Museum of the Republic of Karelia: offic. website. URL: https://kareliamuseum.ru/upload/ iblock/7e1/w4s6pwwzsfjb49fiydubxjhi13fues0v.pdf (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Litvin T. A. Museology of Operational Actions: All for the Fight for Identity. The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video All-Russ. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Andreeva I. V. Not a museum?! Hybrids and new species The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video All-Russ. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https:// disk.yandex.ru/i/RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
  • Balash A. N. Ethical components of the design and final definition of the concept of “museum” The boundaries of the museum: what is left beyond the new ICOM definition?: video All-Russ. sci.-practical seminar: report and presentations. SPbGIK, Febr. 9. 2023 URL: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/RxBFS_fC254miA (accessed: Febr.26.2023) (in Russ.).
Authors: Balash Aleksandra Nikolaevna
Рубрика: Рецензии
Pages: 175-182
УДК: [069:378](049.3)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-1-175-182
Keywords: museum, museum community, ICOM, museology, professional museum education, development of museum
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