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Higher library and information education in the digital age

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Library and information education is understood as the intersection of these concepts – only library and information education, and vice versa. The digital age means that any texts, including multimedia, are created, transmitted and perceived using a computer, including the computer itself. The computer perceives combinations of numbers not only as a number, but also as the number of a letter or pixel on the display and can process these characters. Meaningful and statistical information about the interests of people is a new facet of information for business. The ability of readers to see, understand and feel the events expressed by the text, to perceive the energy and beauty of the text itself form the basis of the civilizational mechanism of reading. This ability must be developed in teachers and taught to students. The information picture of the world is no less extensive and complex than this world itself, therefore its description and management are the interests of readers. It is based on bibliography and information management, which are the key positions of professional library and information education.

  • Гиляревский Руджеро Сергеевич
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  • Guskov A. E., et al. Bibliographic information in digital culture: on debatable problems and results of the 3rd International Bibliographic Congress. Bibliosphere. 2021. 2, 3–16 (in Russ.).
  • Akoev M. A., Markusova V. A., Moskaleva O. V., Pislyakov V. V.; Akoev M. A. (ed.). Guide to scientometrics: indicators of the development of science and technology. 2nd ed. Yekaterinburg: Publ. house Ural. univ., 2021. 358 (in Russ.).
  • Powering scholarship: RLUK strategy 2014–2017. London: Research Libr. UK, 2014. 11.
  • Strategic thinking and design initiative: extended and updated report. Washington D.C.: Assoc. of Research Libr., 2016. 122.
  • Brezhneva V. V., Gilyarevsky R. S., Zhabko E. D.; Brezhneva V. V. (ed.). Information management: theory and methodology: monograph / Min. of culture of the Russ. Federation, Saint-Petersburg State Inst. of Culture. Saint-Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg State Inst. of Culture, 2019. 184 (in Russ.).
Authors: Гиляревский Руджеро Сергеевич
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 150-155
УДК: 378:[02:004]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-2-150-155
Keywords: library and information education, digital text, reader study, bibliography, information management
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