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Discussions on representation of ancient monuments: «Vetusta Monumenta»

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Tradition of preserving memory of the ancient monuments having been formed throughout the 18 century by the Society of Antiquaries of London, raises issues of representation of ancient artifacts. Using the Vetusta Monumenta series as an example the features of the manner of execution of drawings and engravings included in a series, their functions, and transformation of these features during the 18 are under discussion.
  • Михайлова Юлиана Юрьевна
  • Михайлова Ю. Ю. Деятельность Общества антиквариев Лондона в контексте английской реставрационной практики XVIII в. // Вестник СПбГУКИ. 2016. № 1 (26). С. 169-172.
  • Михайлова Ю. Ю. Уолтемский крест: виртуальная реставрация памятника // Вестник СПбГУКИ. 2017. № 1 (30). С. 154-156.
  • Федоренко В. А., Шошин А. И. Справочник по машиностроительному черчению / под ред. Г. Н. Поповой. Л.: Машиностроение, 1983. С. 187.
  • A Copy of the Royal Charter and Statutes of the Society of Antiquaries of London. London, 1837. P. 7.
  • Alexander D. George Vertue as an engraver // The Volume of the Walpole Society. 2008. Vol. 70. P. 213.
  • Lolla M. G., Bann S. Ceci n’est pas un monument: Vetusta Monumenta and antiquarian aesthetics // Producing the past: aspects of antiquarian culture and practice, 1650-1850. London: Ashgate, 1999. P. 18.
  • Myrone M. The Society of Antiquaries and the graphic arts: George Vertue and his legacy // Visions of Antiquity: The Society of Antiquaries of London, 1707-2007 (Archaeologia) / ed. by S. Pearce. London: Society of Antiquaries of London, 2007. P. 102.
  • Noah Heringman: персонал. сайт. URL: http: // rc. umd. edu (дата обращения: 21. 04. 2017).
  • Smiles S. The image of antiquity: Ancient Britain a. the romantic imagination. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1994. 254 p.
  • Vetusta Monumenta. URL: http: // scalar. usc. edu (дата обращения: 21. 04. 2017).
Authors: Mikhailova Juliana Jurievna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 143-146
УДК: [7.032:7.026.2](470)"17"
Keywords: Vetusta Monumenta, Vetusta Monumenta, antiquarianism, antiquaries, representation of ancient monuments
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