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German history of art of 19 century and problems of Armenian Medieval heritage

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The science of art in Germany is based on the classical tradition, associated with a focus on ancient heritage, and a romantic perception of Gothic as a manifestation of the national school. In the mid-nineteenth century the first General history of art appeared, which, along with the national art and culture examined regional schools. Armenian medieval art is systematized and concisely described in the work of Kugler, in Schnaase’s book analysis becomes more comprehensive, detailed and consistent.
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Authors: Arutyunyan Artur Armenovich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 147-150
УДК: 7.033(=19):7.072(430)
Keywords: methodology of art studies, theory of art, history of art, Medieval Armenian art
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