научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Methodological concept of organization of individual practice of art-students

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The article examines the problem of teaching of humanitarian disciplines when students are required a large volume of individual practice. The author offers general principles and methods of application of tasks, aimed at the acquisition of analytical skills by students. The research contains several special tasks as examples of implementation of these methods in learning of art history at different levels at higher school.
  • Омельяненко Мария Валерьевна
  • Белл Д. Грядущее постиндустриальное общество: опыт социал. прогнозирования. М.: Academia, 2004. 788 с.
  • Зедльмайр Г. Искусство и истина. СПб.: Axioma, 2000. С. 112.
Authors: Omel’yanenko Mariya Valer’evna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 182-185
УДК: 378.147:7/9
Keywords: methods of teaching, methods of teaching at higher school, teaching of humanitarian disciplines, teaching of art history, analysis in humanitarian studies, organization of individual practice of students at higher school
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