научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Universal – humanitarian – epistemological knowledge (Natural classification. International bibliography. Idea of world-wide cultural integration)

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
Through the global intentional rhizome of the information codes of the knowledge is observed the rational nature, structured by many substances, differentiated on the basis of the diversification: 1) the universal – humanitarian, philosophical – scientific epistemological knowledge (episteme) is composed by all knowledge; 2) in numerous studies in the Antiquity was rediscovered a knowledge which has been quite a while ago lost. One could mark the following kinds of knowledge: explicit (formalized, discreet, natural, common); implicit (tacit); scientific (rational); hidden (mystical, esoteric, agnostic, transcendental, presence-knowledge, knowledge by presence, occult).
  • Куманова Александра Венкова
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Authors: Kumanova Aleksandra Venkova
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 84-90
УДК: 001.4
Keywords: epistemological knowledge, technological knowledge, formalized knowledge, discreet knowledge, natural knowledge, common knowledge, implicit knowledge, tacit knowledge, scientific knowledge, rational knowledge, hidden knowledge, mystical knowledge, esoteric knowledge, agnostic knowledge, transcendental knowledge, presence-knowledge, knowledge by presence, occult knowledge, methodology of the humanitarian knowledge, notion anthropology, problematic of the anthropology as a science, religious knowledge, atheistic knowledge, humanities, humanities, nonscience, multi-dimensional system of knowledge
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