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Local sociologies under globalization: politics and academic scholarship

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The present article is devoted to the ongoing discussion on the localization of sociological knowledge. The main points of this discussion are analyzed, as well as problems and perspectives of local sociological schools under the globalization process.
  • Рысакова Полина Игоревна
  • Бек У. Космополитическое общество и его враги // Журн. социологии и социал. антропологии. 2003. Т. 6, № 1. С. 24–53.
  • Alatas S. F. Academic dependency and the global division of labor in the social sciences // Current Sociology. 2003. Vol. 51, № 6. P. 599–613.
  • Alatas S. F. Alternative discourse in Asian social science: responses to eurocentrism. New Delhi: Sage Publications Ltd, 2006. 226 p.
  • Alatas S. F. The call for alternate discourses in Asian social sciences // World Social Science Report. Paris: UNESCO Publications, 2010. P. 171–172.
  • Facing an unequal world: challenges for a global sociology / ed. by Burawoy Michael, Chang Mau-kuei, Hsieh Michelle Fei-yu. Taipei, 2010. 3 vol.;
  • National traditions in sociology / ed. by Nikolai B. Genov; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 1989. 256 p. (Sage Studies In International Sociology; vol. 36).
  • Social Knowledge: Heritage, Challenges, Perspectives: XIVe Congress Mondial de Sociololgie Monreal: pre-congress volumes: in 11 vol. / gen. ed. Maria Luz Morán; University Complutense (Madrid), Fac. of political sciences and sociology. Madrid, 1998. (ISA reg. conf.) // International Sociological Association (ISA): site. URL. http: // isa-sociology. org (дата обращения: 26. 09. 2013).
  • The ISA handbook of diverse sociological traditions / ed. by Sujata Patel. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2010. 384 p.
  • World Social Science Report. Paris: UNESCO Publications, 2010. 26 p.
Authors: Rysakova Polina Igorevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 179-182
УДК: 316.2
Keywords: globalization, sociology, local schools
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