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Waltham Cross: virtual restoration of medieval monument

  • Annotation
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The inscription on the engraving of Waltham Cross in the antiquarian edition «Vetusta Monumenta» raised doubts in its accuracy based on image comparison and analysis of the same monument in other editions of the 18 century. During the investigation, the initial conjecture was confirmed, it was concluded that the restoration referred to the engraving and not the monument itself - in other words, it was a «virtual restoration».
  • Михайлова Юлиана Юрьевна
  • Михайлова Ю. Ю. Антикварианизм в контексте готического возрождения в Англии XVIII в. // Вестн. СПбГУКИ. 2015. № 4 (25), дек. С. 172-175.
  • Britton J. The beauties of England and Wales. London: Printed for J. Harris, 1808. Vol. 7. P. 243.
  • Cross W. Genealogy & History. URL: http: // forebears. io (дата обращения: 06.02.2017).
  • Lolla M. G., Bann S. Ceci n’est pas un monument: Vetusta Monumenta and antiquarian aesthetics // Producing the past: aspects of antiquarian culture and practice, 1650-1850. London: Ashgate, 1999. P. 15-34.
  • Peltz L. Aestheticizing the ancestral city: antiquarianism, topography and the representation of London in the long eighteenth century // Art history. 1999. Vol. 22, is. 4. P. 482.
  • Woolf D. R. The dawn of the artifact: the antiquarian impulse in England, 1500-1730 // Studies in Medievalism. 1992. Vol. 4. P. 5-35.
Authors: Mikhailova Juliana Jurievna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 154-156
УДК: [004:7.025.4]:76.033(410)
Keywords: antiquarianism, Society of Antiquaries of London, Waltham Cross, virtual restoration, antiquarian engraving
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