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Russian publishing houses in Berlin, 1920-1924

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The history of the activities of publishing houses of the Russian emigration of Berlin period is given. The thematic-typological analysis of the products of publishing houses is carried out. The contribution to the Russian culture and literature of Russian publishing houses in Berlin is shown. The main attention is paid to the activities of the most purchased, universal publishers: I. P. Ladyzhnikov, Z. I. Grzhebin, «Petropolis», «Helikon», «Grani», «Thought», «Book publishing of writers in Berlin», «Obelisk», «Word», «Scythians», «Bronze Horseman». More briefly, the work of specialized and highly specialized Russian publishing houses in Berlin is considered: «Russian Art», «Strela», «Granit», «Physician», «Vostok», «For the Church». Brief biographical data on the owners, directors and editors-in-chief of the publishers being studied are presented. The issue is raised with historiographical positions on the originality and scientific nature of many publications on the topic.

  • Базанов Петр Николаевич
  • Шомракова Инга Александровна
  • Каталог книг вышедших вне России по июнь 1924 г. Берлин: Союз рус. издателей и книгопродавцев в Германии, 1924. XVI, 211 с.
  • Kratz G. Russische Verlage und Druckereien in Berlin, 1918-1941 // Chronik Russischen Lebens in Deutschland 1918-1941. Berlin: Akademie-Verl., 1999. S. 501-569.
  • Базанов П. Н., Шомракова И. А. Книга русского зарубежья: из истории книжной культуры ХХ в. 2-е изд., испр. Санкт-Петербург, 2003. 110 с.
  • Литературное приложение к газете «Накануне». 1923. 7 янв., № 34. С. 10.
  • Белое дело. Берлин, 1926. № 1. С. 29.
Authors: Bazanov Petr Nikolaevich
Shomrakova Inga Aleksandrovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 6-11
УДК: [655.4:323.113(=161.1)](430.131)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2017-4-6-11
Keywords: Russian emigration, book business, publishing house, I. P. Ladyzhnikov publishing house, Z. I. Grzhebin publishing house, Petropolis publishing house, Helikon publishing house, Grani publishing house, Thought publishing house, Book Publishing of writers in Berlin, Obelisk publishing house, Word publishing house, Scythians publishing house, Bronze Horseman publishing house
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