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Digital library as scientific research

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The development tendencies of scientific researches in the field of digital libraries are shown. Based on the analysis of professional print and electronic publications foreign revealed the main directions of research in the field of preparing digital content, which includes features of construction of digital library architectures, the efficiency of application of information technologies, formation of different types of digital collections. The study recognizes the important metadata describing/presenting digital copies of traditional documents and source electronic resources in the modern information environment. The decision of legal, organizational, economic and social problems of digital libraries is largely to help satisfy the information needs of different user groups. Noted that the most promising scientific areas in the future will be knowledge management and digital humanities. The creation of a dedicated environment-focused exclusively on humanitarian information needs will be the result of research projects in the field of digital humanities. The characteristic of a current state of studying of problems of development of digital content in Russia are also is given.

  • Жабко Елена Дмитриевна
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  • Таллер М. Дискуссии вокруг Digital Humanities // История информатики. 2012. № 1. C. 5-13. URL: http: // kleio. asu.ru (дата обращения: 10. 11. 2017).
  • Pun R. Conceptualizing the integration of digital humanities in instructional services: possibilities to enhance digital literacy in the 21st century // Lib. Hi Tech. 2015. Vol. 33, № 1. P. 134-142.
Authors: Zhabko Elena Dmitrievna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 54-60
УДК: 027:004
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2017-4-54-60
Keywords: digital library, digital collections, scientific research, professional printing, periodicals, library and information sciences, digital humanities
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