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Crucifixion as motif in German painting and graphics of 1920-1940’s

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In German painting and graphics of the 1920-1940’s we see two variants of the motif of crusifixion: the first one presents us interpretation of the Crusifixion from the Bible, the second one reminds us about a kind of punishment wide-spread in Ancient Rome. Official artists of the Third Reich rarely depicted in their works tragical stories from the Bible. If the Crusifiction appeared in their works, they interpreted it in a favorable light for Nazi ideology, questioning in such a way the «Jewish» Christian religion. On the contrary the motif of the crucifixion for opposition artists served as a great metaphor for the time they witnessed. Masters of different generations dealt with the medieval symbolic language able to describe the history of the country by «words» from the Scripture, treating it as a Christian symbol and hold out a hope for people therefore.

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  • Schmidt D. In letzter Stunde, 1933-1945: Vorwort // Schriften Deutscher Künstler des 20. Jahrhunderts. Dresden, 1964. Bd. 2. S. 5-24.
  • Либман М. Я. Ганс Грундин. Москва: Искусство, 1974. 102 с. (Зарубежное искусство XX в.).
  • Grundig H. Zwischen Karneval und Aschermittwoch: Erinnerungen eines Malers. 9. Aufl. Berlin: Dietz, 1969. 460 S.
  • Feist G. Hans Grundig: Leben u. Werk. Dresden: Verl. der Kunst, 1979. 352 S.
  • Искусство, которое не покорилось: немецкие художники в период фашизма, 1933-1945 гг. / сост. и предисл. С. Д. Комарова. Москва: Искусство, 1972. 344 с.
  • Lühr H. P. Die Ausstellung «Entartete Kunst» und der Beginn der NS-Kulturbarbarei in Dresden / Hrsg. Dresdner Geschichtsverein e. V. Gesamtred. Dresden: Dresdner Geschichtsverein, 2004. 96 S.
  • Timm S. Die Druckgraphik von Otto Pankok: Werkverzeichnis der Lithographien, Steinätzungen u. Monotypien: Dissertation. Hamburg, 1989. 335 S.
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  • Galleria d’Arte Thule / Associazione culturale Thule Italia. URL: http: // galleria. thule-italia.com (дата обращения: 10. 11. 2017).
  • Herzfelde W. John Heartfield: Leben und Werk / Dargestellt von sienen Bruder Wieland Herzfelde. Dresden: Verl. der Kunst, 1962. 356 S.
  • Heartfield J. Photomontages antinazis: Album. Paris: Chene, 1978. 151 p.
Authors: Makarenko Kseniya Viktorovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 118-121
УДК: [7.046.3:27-312.8](430)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2017-4-118-121
Keywords: Germany, crucifixion, Third Reich, totalitarian art, German art, biblical subject
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