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S. A. Sbitnev as founder of Kemerovo library school

  • Annotation
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Information about the life, combat past and labor activity of S. A. Sbitnev is given. His work in the scientific and technical library of Kemerovo Mining Institute, Kemerovo Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Kemerovo State Institute of Culture is described. Presented multifaceted creative heritage of professor Sbitnev, his contribution to the development of the state system of scientific and technical information, development of an information’s search methodology on the basis of information retrieval languages descriptor type, creation of the automated information retrieval system «Quantor». The value of his creative heritage for the formation of new scientific directions in the structure of the library and information sciences (information-analytical, linguistic, technological), conducting applied scientific research, associated with a pre-project survey of libraries as automation objects, the formation of an information culture of the individual, formation of technologies for creating electronic information resources, the development of library local studies in the electronic environment. Noted achievements of S. A. Sbitnev in the formation of the Kemerovo Library school, the creation of the department of technology of automated information processing, organization of preparation of qualified library-information staff, the opening of a new specialization «technologist of automated library systems». The professional connections of S. A. Sbitnev with Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) State Institute of Culture, its active participation in the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is described.

  • Пилко Ирина Семеновна
  • Стас Андреевич Сбитнев: жизнь, отданная людям: хроника, воспоминания, исслед. / отв. ред. Н. И. Гендина. Кемерово: КемГАКИ, 2003. 344 с.
  • Наследие С. А. Сбитнева: ученого, педагога, новатора: сб. материалов науч.-практ. конф., Кемерово, Новокузнецк, 14-19 марта 2008 г. / Кемеров. гос. ун-т культуры и искусств; науч. ред. И. С. Пилко. Кемерово: КемГУКИ, 2008. 237 с.
  • Электронный архив профессора С. А. Сбитнева. Кемерово: КемГУКИ, 2008. URL: https: // ebooks. kemgik.ru (дата обращения: 12.02.2018).
Authors: Pilko Irina Semenovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 184-188
УДК: 378-057.4:[02:004]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-1-184-188
Keywords: Sbitnev Stas Andreevich, descriptors, library-information activity, library science, library education, information retrieval languages, Kemerovo library school, information resources, ISS Quantor
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