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Typology of methods of restoration of medieval sculpture in 19th century

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

E. E. Viollet-le-Duc proposed the concept of «finished state» of the monument as a theoretical justification of the desire for full and accurate renovation and restoration of the sculpture of the medieval buildings is becoming common practice in the workshop. In the Romanesque churches of Burgundy - Saint-Lazare in Autun and Sainte-Madeleine at Vézelay, in the Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and later in a secular building - the castle of Pierrefonds - artistic interpretation, based on creative imagination triumphs over strict approach to the interpretation of restoration, devoid of the author’s rethinking of the tradition. Combining scientific and pathos of recreating the unity of the works of E. E. Violle-Le-Duc preserves the link with the past and predicted the future: workshop uses as the principle add-ons that allows you to restore the sculpture, and the complete replacement of the destroyed parts, or the creation of contemporary works.

  • Арутюнян Юлия Ивановна
  • Кон-Винер Э. История стилей изящных искусств / пер. под ред. и с доб. М. С. Сергеева. Москва: Космос, 1916. 310 с.
  • Арьес Ф. Время истории / пер. с фр., примеч. М. Неклюдовой. Москва: ОГИ, 2011. 304 с.
  • Виолле-ле-Дюк Э. Э. Беседы об архитектуре: в 2 т. / пер. А. А. Сапожниковой; под ред. А. Г. Габричевского. Москва: Изд-во Всесоюз. акад. архитектуры, 1938. Т. 2. 361 с.
  • Viollet-le-Duc E. E. Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture française du XIe au XVIe siècle. Paris: Éd. Bance-Morel, 1854-1868. 10 vols.
  • Terret V. La sculpture bourguignonne aux XIIe et XIIIe siecles: ses origines and ses sourses d’inspiration. Autun: L’auteur, 1925. Vol. 1. 129 p.
  • Бобров Ю. Г. Философия современной консервации-реставрации: иллюзии и реальность. Москва: Худож. шк., 2017. 288 с.
Authors: Arutyunyan Yuliya Ivanovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 108-112
УДК: 7.025.4:73.033
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-2-108-112
Keywords: theory of restoration, restoration of medieval sculpture, methods of restoration, medieval architecture, art synthesis, medieval monument
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