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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Research activities of Orthodox clergy in early 20th century

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The article analyzes archival sources of the largest ethnographic museum in Russia (now Russian Ethnographic Museum) that characterize the contribution of Orthodox priests to the formation of the first collections of the Ethnographic department of the Russian Museum named after Alexander III in Saint Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century. This sample allows to observe ways of items getting in the museum by consultations of Departments’ workers to local correspondents. The role of representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church in the preservation of material and non-material cultural heritage studying for the first time. It allows to expand the notion about estate belonging of non-professional collectors of antiquities. In addition to a general review of the sources and collections received from clergymen, the author emphasized the personal initiative of clergymen and local historians (parish priests who were closest to people and a monk) from different regions of the Russian Empire, cited a number of prerequisites for extramural work of clergymen (collecting, researching, writing, pedagogical activity). Archival materials allow us to represent the interests of Orthodox clergymen of the late XIXth - early XXth centuries, to understand their motivation for collecting the items of everyday culture and studying the life, traditions and customs of Russian people and non-Russians, to represent their opinion on science and culture of that time. The presented material complements the scientific articles of recent years about the figures of the Russian Orthodox Church who made their personal contribution to ethnography development in Russia, the preservation of the national heritage, showing the multifaceted social service of clergy which used its observations and knowledge accumulated in the process of many years of professional activity. The relevance of the issue is connected with the increased interest to the history of interaction between church and secular cultures, the role of the Russian Orthodox Church and its representatives in development of Russian culture and preservation of ancient artefacts.

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  • Васкул А. И. Этнографическая программа Русского географического общества. Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 2012. URL: http: // academia. edu (дата обращения: 26. 11. 2018).
  • Анучин Д. Н. О задачах русской этнографии // Этногр. обозрение. Москва, 1889. Кн. 1. URL: https: // archive. org (дата обращения: 26. 11. 2018).
Authors: Nazanyan Karina Georgievna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 123-126
УДК: [069:39](470):[930.25:271.2]
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-4-123-126
Keywords: archival documents, cultural heritage, museum, Orthodox clergy, local study, ethnography, clerymen local historians, church culture, secular culture
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