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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
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Theme of motion in A. Calder’s and F. Léger’s heritage

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The author of the present paper concerns the significance of the theme of motion in the Alexander Calder’s and Fernand Léger’s heritage, confined by the period of 1920-1930’s. Their turn to kinetic sculpture and cinema is important in the regarded context. The transition from dealing with spatial arts to dealing with spatial-continuous arts made by the considered artists is underlined in the present paper. The theme of circus in their heritage relates to the notion of motion and can be interpreted as the game element. The comparable analysis of the considered artists’ works, related to realization of the notion of motion, is made in the present paper. The treatment of the circus theme became the platform for these artists to turn to the new means of expression of the early 20th century.

  • Стебаков Михаил Сергеевич
  • Léger: modern art and the metropolis / ed. by A. Vallye. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 2013. 278 p.
  • Léger F. A new realism - the object // The little review. 1926. Special theatre number (12). P. 7-8.
  • Lawder S. D. The cubist cinema. New York: New York Univ. Press, 1975. 268 p.
  • Functions of Painting / ed. by R. Motherwell. New York: Viking Press, 1965. 222 p.
  • Sperling L. J. Calder in Paris: the circus and surrealism // Archives of Amer. art j. 1988. № 2 (28). P. 16-29.
  • Perl J. Calder: the conquest of time, the early years, 1898-1940. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2017. 601 p.
Authors: Stebakov Mikhail Sergeevich
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 174-177
УДК: 7.038.3(73+44)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-4-174-177
Keywords: kinetic sculpture, abstract cinema, game element, theme of motion, theme of circus, mobile, Fernand Léger, Alexander Calder
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