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European biennial Manifesta 11 as dada ideas development

  • Annotation
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European biennial Manifesta 11, which took place in 2016 in Zrich, was devoted to the centenary of the dada movement. Manifesta 11 demonstrated mixing of genres, breaking borders, interaction with an audience and intrusion to the social space, which were usual for dada. Aiming to mark the continuity Manifesta’s 11 curators with its head Kristian Yankovski have realized two original ideas - active collaboration between the artists and the hosts of their city’s diverse workforce and art reflection of their professions. Tens of original artworks became a result of the collaboration. A part of them could compete with the dada performances in creating of scandal. Nevertheless, being installed to formal art structure and staying in the comfort conditions, Manifesta’s art-objects were deprived of the revolutionary pathos and art radicalism. The example of Manifesta gives rise to call into question the ability of large social institutes of art to provide conditions for selfreflextion.

  • Кожевин Дмитрий Михайлович
  • Буррио Н. Эстетика взаимодействия // Худож. журн. 1999. № 28/29. URL: http: // guelman. ru (дата обращения: 26. 11. 2018).
  • Голдберг Р. Искусство перформанса: от футуризма до наших дней. Москва: Ад Маргинем пресс, 2015. 320 с.
  • Manifesta 5: exhibition cat. Barselona: Actar, 2004. URL: http: // zs. thulb. uni-jena. de (дата обращения: 26. 11. 2018).
  • Леман Х.-Т. Постдраматический театр / предисл. А. Васильева; пер. с нем., вступ. ст. и коммент. Н. Исаевой. Москва: ABCdesign, 2013. 311 с.
Authors: Kozhevin Dmitrii Mikhaylovich
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 182-186
УДК: 7.091.4(4)"2016":7.037.4
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2018-4-182-186
Keywords: biennial, Manifesta, contemporary art, dada, interaction, intrusion, social space, art institute
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