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Gender differences in education in the context of European liberal democracy

  • Annotation
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Historically, there have been two main approaches to educational gender differences in Western cultures: ‘conservative’ and ‘progressive’. The modern perspective on gender equality emphasizes equal treatment, positive action and gender sensitive policy analysis. The EU strongly promotes the strategy of gender mainstreaming – the consciously systematic attempt to embed gender equality in governance and culture.
  • Серова Анна Евгеньевна
  • Конвенция o ликвидации всех форм дискриминации в отношении женщин: принята Ген. ассамблеей ООН 18 дек. 1979 г. URL: http: // un. org (дата обращения: 30. 09. 2013).
  • Booth C., Bennett C. Gender mainstreaming in the European Union: towards a new conception and practice of equal opportunities? // The European j. of women’s studies. 2002. Vol. 9, № 4. P. 430–446.
  • Dore R. The diploma disease. London: Unwin Educational, 1976.
  • European Commission. Gender mainstreaming of employment policies: a comparative rev. of 30 European countries. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2007. Р. 5.
  • Gender equality and equity: а summary rev. of UNESCO’s accomplishments since the Fourth World Conf. on Women (Beijing 1995) / UNESCO, Unit for the Promotion of the Status of Women and Gender Equality. UNESCO, 2000. Р. 5. URL: http: // unesdoc. unesco. org (дата обращения: 30. 09. 20133).
  • Halsey A. H., Heath A. F., Ridge, J. M. Origins and destinations: family, class and education in modern Britain. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980.
  • Hutt C. Males and Females. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972.
  • Magno C., Silova I. Teaching in transition: examining school-based inequities in Central/South-Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union // Intern. j. of educational development. 2007. № 27. Р. 649.
  • Newbigging A. How can education advisors help to achieve the PSA Gender Equality Targets? Guidance sheets for promoting equal benefits for females and males in the education sector / DFID Education Dep. London: DFID. 2002.
  • Sammons P. Gender, ethnic and socio-economic differences in attainment and progress: a longitudinal analysis of student achievement over 9 years // British educational research j. 1995. Vol. 21, № (4). P. 465–485.
  • Wood R. Assessment and equal opportunities. London: Univ. of London, Inst. of Education, 1987.
Authors: Serova Anna Evgenjevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 183-187
УДК: 37.014:316.346.2
Keywords: education, gender equality, gender mainstreaming, gender gap, education achievement
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