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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

European watches in 19 century

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The tendencies of watch development in the light of the scientific achievements, technical progress and social changes happened in Europe the 19 century are analyzed. The life acceleration in different fields of human activity have resulted in mass requirement of the watch using. Improvement of the watch design was influenced by achievements, made in previous of centuries time. The main of them are considered in a research. Development of science and technical achievements have led to cost reduction of watches production. Improvement of a design and appearing of new functions have made possible use of watches in professional activity. The dual nature of the watches, their technical and art features is noted in the article. Requirements to functionality led to grows the price influence. Also ways of representing the watches in a costume of men changed. The research pays attention to the new approaches of watch design connected with change of an esthetic paradigm.
  • Гурьева Татьяна Николаевна
  • Хук Ф. Завтрак у Sotheby’s: мир искусства от А до Я. Санкт-Петербург: Азбука-Аттикус, 2015. 416 с.
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  • Baillie G. Y. Watches: their history, decoration and mechanism. London: N. A. G. Press LTD, 1979. 382 p.
  • Tompson D. The British Museum clocks. London: The British Museum Press, 2014. 176 p.
  • Фабрика часов торгового дома Павел Буре: поставщик Высочайшего Двора, оценщикь при кабинете Его Императорскаго Величества: прейскурант. Санкт-Петербург, 1905. 41 с.
  • Cologni F. Secrets of Vacheron Constantin. London: Thames & Hudson, 2005. 336 p.
  • Cardinal C., Piget J.-M. Catalogue of selected pieces / La Choux-de-Funds Inst. home et le temps. Winterthur, 2002. 377 с.
  • Beiby I. Pocket watches: building your own collection. Part 8 // Clock magazine. 2013. July. P. 21-28.
  • Beiby I. Pocket watches: building your own collection. Part 9 // Clock magazine. 2015. Febr. P. 33-35.
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  • Вилков А. И. Призовые часы в Российской империи. Москва: Collecor’s Books, 2004. 111 с.
  • Cummins G. How the watch was worn: a fashion for 500 years. London: Antique Collectors Club, 2011. 270 p.
Authors: Gureva Tatiana Nickolaevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 144-147
УДК: 681.114.1(4)"18":739.3
Keywords: pocket watch, status function, clock mechanism, technical inventions, guilloche dial, hands, case, dial, functional quality, precision, duration of turn
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