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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Gender approach in modern fashion research

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
It considers usage of gender approach which allows to research cultural phenomenal occurrences such as a fashion in context of interaction «masculine» and «feminine» in culture. Gender methodology is a categorization based on stereotypes, standards, identity which are not universal ones but appointed in a civilized manner. Form of representation of these categories is gender imageries - visions of «masculine» and «feminine» which exist in a specific epoch. A tool of the gender implementation is costume. Forming of gender imageries themselves is closely related with fashion as a process which realizes spiritual ideals in material samples. The article considers general trends of modern fashion from gender asymmetry position, from biodeterministic and sociocultural conceptions. Theoretical and practical reasoning of principles of gender analysis of phenomenons and apparitions of modern fashion is really important within a process of general artistic practices development forecasting.
  • Яковлева Мария Викторовна
  • Берн Ш. Гендерная психология. Москва: Олма-пресс, 2001. 320 с.
  • Месснер М. Маскулинность и профессиональный спорт // Антология гендерной теории. Минск: Пропилеи, 2000. С. 218-236.
  • Дворкин А. ГИноцид, или Китайское бинтование ног // Антология гендерной теории. Минск: Пропилеи, 2000. С. 7-29.
  • Мейнард Д. Язык и средства массовой коммуникации // Средства массовой коммуникации и социальные проблемы. Казань: Казан. ун-т, 2000. С. 54-63.
Authors: Yakovleva Mariya Viktorovna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 97-100
УДК: 391:316.346.2
Keywords: gender, gender approach, gender asymmetry, gender imageries, masculinity, feminity, modern fashion, costume, trends of modern fashion
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