научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Mechanisms of intercultural communication in mass musical genres

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The article is devoted to the problem of intercultural interactions in musical culture. On examples from practice of mass genres actions of mechanisms on interaction of elements of musical languages of different cultures are considered. This makes the language available to the understanding and use of performance practice as a lexical baggage. The processes of musical interactions in jazz and pop music should be viewed through the prism of fret organization, articulation, instruments and its interpretation. Modern film music is rightly characterized as a multi genre and polynational and also we observe the process of mixing of different traditions there. The modern viewer is prepared for all kinds of sound style mixes and the film composer has the right to experiment on the use of the all means of expression in various genres and intercultural combinations.
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  • Russell G. The lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization: the art and science of tonal gravity. 4th ed. Brookline, MA: Concept Publ. Co., 2001. 252 р.
  • Слонимский Н. Тезаурус гамм и мелодических оборотов: справ. для музыкантов - композиторов и исполнителей: в 2 т. Санкт-Петербург: Композитор, 2016. Т. 1-2. 269 с.
  • Рычков К. Н. Музыка в современном коммерческом кинематографе США: проблемы истории и теории: автореф. дис. … канд. искусствоведения: 17. 00. 02 / Моск. гос. консерватория им. П. И. Чайковского. Москва, 2013. 22 с. URL: https: // search. rsl. ru (дата обращения 20. 03. 2018).
  • Ellison V. «Game of Thrones». Composer Ramin Djawadi: I’m just trying to create something magical. URL: https: // hollywoodreporter. com (дата обращения: 25. 04. 2018).
Authors: Shulin Vyacheslav Valer’evich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 91-95
УДК: 316.77:78.036
Keywords: interaction of cultures, jazz, variety art, musical art, musical style, improvisation, film music
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