научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Visual and plastic expressiveness in acting formation

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On the basis of the historical development of the semiotics of perception and reproduction of visual-plastic expressiveness, the problem of forming the plastic culture of students in the framework of non-verbal possibilities of scenic action is considered. This approach allowed us to analyze and methodically substantiate the importance of an emphasis on the student’s view, as one of the components of his plastic imagery. The education of the expressiveness of the view gives additional strength in the formation of the plastic culture, which reveals in a person his secret desires and pushes to important actions. This postulate allowed us to develop and implement a systemic training that enhances the brightness of the transmission by future specialists of the thoughts`s and feelings`s of the stage character through the most important expressive means - the eyes. The result of the study was an important conclusion that any stage action should develop through the accentuated attention of the audience on a particular object, and the eyes, being such an object, become the most important effective mechanism in the formation of plastic culture.
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  • Ягодка Алена Николаевна
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Authors: Konovich Askol’d Arkad’evich
Yagodka Alena Nikolaevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 161-166
УДК: 792.028.3:159.925
Keywords: plastic culture, artistic-pedagogical upbringing, scenic action, development of attention, visually-plastic expressiveness formation, psychophysical process, emotional aspiration
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