научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

To 70th anniversary of All-Russian conference of librarians, 1948

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references
The article deals with post-war period of librarianship development in URSS. All-Russian conference of librarians (1948) is characterized as the most broad-scaled and plural event with numerous delegates from Union republics. Delegacy principle guaranteed large representatives of governmental and political authorities. The author analyzes statistical data connected with social and demographic characteristics of librarians-participants of the All-Russian conference. The main attention is given to their level of education and length of employment in different types of libraries. All-Russian conference’s program and reports articulated in plenary meeting and discussion are analyzed in the context of their ideological content. Participation of two delegates-representatives of Leningrad State Institute of Culture is stressed. The author gives valuable information about principal positions of resolution adopted by the participants of All-Russian conference.
  • Ванеев Анатолий Николаевич
  • Всероссийское совещание библиотечных работников, 23-29 марта 1948 г. Москва: Госкультпросветиздат, 1948. 219 с.
  • Библиотечная энциклопедия / РГБ; ред. Ю. А. Гриханов. Москва: Пашков дом, 2007. 1299 с.
  • Ванеев А. Н. Зелик Израилевич Ривлин // Вторые Сахаровские чтения. Санкт-Петербург, 2010. С. 44-50.
Authors: Vaneev Anatolii Nikolaevich
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 168-171
УДК: [02:005.745](470+571)"1948"
Keywords: librarianship, professional library community, All-Russian conference of librarians (1948), history of librarianship 1940’s, Leningrad State Institute of Culture, A. V. Usov, Z. I. Rivlin
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