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Modern art exhibition as interdisciplinary project

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article provides the analytical data regarding current tendencies in the activity of art museums. Curator’s
experience applied to the museum’s practice became an essential prerequisite for emerged interdisciplinary
experimental projects, which bring the museum to a level of institutional curator and moderator of new cultural
content and new sociocultural interactions. The author of the article analyses the complex relations formed by
the museum’s curator’s projects between media and authentic artworks. Next to that, the author demonstrates
how the museum curator’s projects engages a viewer into the creative space which is based on the interplay
between museum exposition and artistic installation. A designer of the exhibition project is a co-curator of such
a project and is competent in the design of the aff ected or rationalized comprehension of a museum installation.
Interdisciplinary study of the museum curator’s exhibitions after their completion is considered as an important
fi nal stage of the project itself and its eff ectiveness is conditioned by scientifi c potential either of museums or
independent museum researchers.

  • Балаш Александра Николаевна
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Authors: Balash Aleksandra Nikolaevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 17-22
УДК: [069.9:7](083.94)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-16-21
Keywords: art exhibition, museum, museum researchers, exposition, installation, exposition design, curator, art project
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