научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Три принципа просвещения Василия Розанова

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The search, which is now typical for modern Russian school system, requires revision of many outdated
ideological attitudes and careful study of pedagogical and philosophical thought of past centuries. In observations
and reasoning of Vasilii Rozanov, collected by him in the collection of articles «Twilight of enlightenment»,
it is important to see and feel the pain that he, as a true patriot of his Fatherland, as a true supporter of Russian
culture, could not help but feel, looking at bitter fruits of education system. The ideological message «Twilight of
enlightenment» was accepted by Russian philosophers of the 20th century and found its continuation in their
works. Despite a hundred years separating us from the death of this great thinker, his ideas are still actual and
modern, his warnings are frighteningly relevant.

  • Коленько Сергей Геннадьевич
  • 1. Gollerbakh E. F. V. V. Rozanov: life and creation. Peters-burg: Polyarnaya zvezda, 1922. 110 (in Russ.). 2. Rozanov V. V. Twilight of education: collection of ar-ticles on education. Saint Petersburg: P. Pertsov publ., 1899.240 (in Russ.). 3. Likhachev D. S. Russian culture. Moscow: Iskusstvo,2000. 440 (in Russ.). 4. Il’in I. A. Path of spiritual renewal. Moscow: Inst. of Russ.Civilization, 2011. 1216 (in Russ.).
Authors: Kolenko Sergei Gennadievich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 54-59
УДК: УДК 130.2:37(=161.1)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-53-58
Keywords: school education, devaluation of values, family, church, culture, worldview, national idea
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