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Modernization of museum communication in consumer society context

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

The article is dedicated to the analysis of modern art museum’s functioning in the «consumerist society». In professional
museological literature there is a thesis, that getting impressions is the main purpose of museum’s visiting, and impressions
become the main museum product. That’s why the article focuses on the theory of «experience society» by G. Schulze. For
attracting audience museum extensively uses marketing strategies, practices the diff erentiated approach in work with visitors.
The museum is actively integrated into leisure industry, which has an impact on the perception of its meaning and purpose as a
social and cultural institute. The necessity of forming qualitative criteria of museum’s work with an audience, analysis of behavior,
psychology, perception of consumer of museum services and developing eff ective methods of work with modern audition for
saving the vision of museum as a temple of science and culture is proved in the article. It is approved, that museum professionals
are able to retain for elite culture the status of arbitrator of cultural values, which doubtless the museum’s institute belongs to.

  • Ересова Валерия Витальевна
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Authors: Eresova Valeriya Vitalievna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 93-97
УДК: УДК 069:316.772
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-92-96
Keywords: museum communication, consumer society, cultural values, experience society, segmentation, museum audience, authenticity, advertising
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