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UNESCO’ programs as instrument for scientifi c knowledge popularization

  • Annotation
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The article deals with the issues of UNESCO’s role in science knowledge translation to broad sections of population.
International science programs developing by UNESCO promote research achievements in natural, social science and humanities.
In order to build mutual understanding between scientifi c communities and population UNESCO pays great attention to
popularization of science as the eff ective instrument fostering social, economic, and political development of societies. World
library of science is an open and free high quality resource for scientifi c education of students, researchers and global community.
UNESCO infl uences national libraries for science popularization activity. Interactive technologies in building-up on-going
dialogue between science and population in national libraries are characterized. The priority attention is paid to kids and youth.

  • Павличенко Ирина Андреевна
  • 1. UNESCO’ science report: on way towards 2030. URL:(accessed: 2019–04–19) (in Russ.). 2. Berkov V. F. Methodology of science: gen. iss.:textbook. 3nd ed. Minsk: Nat. Inst. of Higher Education, 2015.396 (in Russ.). 3. Varganova G. V., Pavlichenko I. A. Scientifi c literacyof population: social challenge and institutional solutions.Istoricheskaya i obrazovatel’naya mysl’. 2016. 8 (1–1), 128–133 (inRuss.). 4. Varganova G. V., Plavko I. A. Popularization ofscientifi c knowledge in national libraries of foreign countries.Makushinskie chteniya. 2015. 10, 285–291 (in Russ.).
Authors: Pavlichenko Irina Andreevna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 135-137
УДК: УДК 001:061.1(100)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-2-134-136
Keywords: UNESCO, national libraries, scientifi c knowledge, popularization of science, world library of science
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