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The sacred sacrif ce archetype in the practice of color revolutions

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The article deals with the problem of the manipulative technologies ef ciency upon organizing state coups through theso-called peaceful protest. It is shown that the implementation of the «color revolution» scenario, including the sacred sacrif ceamong the protesters, is based on the mythological layers of public consciousness. For analyzing the mythological componentof modern mass consciousness, the categories of the Schelling’s philosophy of mythology were used, such as theogonic process,successive polytheism, the Kronos kingdom, the f re sacrif ce destroying the kingdom. Based on the analysis of Soviet politicalmythology, it is shown that the image of the Soviet state in mass consciousness is strongly mythologized and has the characteristicfeatures of the Kronos kingdom. The material of the Ukrainian Euromaidan in 2014 and its political technology support revealedthat the same specif c features are reproduced in the cliches the propaganda of «color revolutions», describing the reality of thestate system destined to destruction. The actualization of the sacred sacrif ce archetype in anti-Soviet propaganda during theestablishment of democracy and anti-Russian propaganda of the last two decades, as well as the full realization of the sacredsacrif ce archetype in the image of the «Heavenly Hundred» (several dozen people killed in Kiev in 2014 during the transition intoopen violence) are considered. The reason why the sacred sacrif ce causes the destruction of the old order and the realization ofthe new political forms lies in the actualization of the myth of the Kronos kingdom destruction, analyzed in detail by Schelling.

  • Ищенко Нина Сергеевна
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Authors: Ishchenko Nina Sergeevna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 39-44
УДК: УДК 13:323.27
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-39-44
Keywords: F. Schelling, philosophy of mythology, mythologization of consciousness, social consciousness, sa-cred sacrif ce, color revolutions, Euromaidan 2014
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