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Museum pedagogy in contemporary realities

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Museum pedagogy occupies an important place in the communication activities of the museum and determines its social mission. There are opinions today that it is in crisis. The article provides ref ections on the fact that museum pedagogy has gone beyond the framework of a discriminative and pragmatic description of the forms and methods of interaction between a museum and a visitor. The science and practice focus their attention on rethinking and expanding its boundaries. The vectors of the development of museum pedagogy depend on its interdisciplinary character and the state of society and culture, which entail a transformation of the museum audience. This comprehension of museum pedagogy is ref ected in the system of professional education personnel at the Department of Museology and Cultural Heritage of SPb University of culture, which relies on the sociocultural determinism of the interpretation of the mission of the museum, the development of museological ideas and educational technology. The dynamics of the methodological and technological nature indicate its development, allowing it to be assessed as relevant and in demand by the realities of contemporary reality

  • Шляхтина Людмила Михайловна
  • 1. Sapanzha O. A. Museum pedagogy in the system ofhigher education: results and prospects.Art and сulture. 2018.1 (29). 37–41 (in Russ.).2. Shlyakhtina L. M., Mastenitsa Ye. N. Museum-pedagogical thought in Russia: historical essays / Saint-Petersburg State Univ. of culture and arts. Saint-Petersburg,2006. 272 (in Russ.).3. Budraytskis I. When museums give change.Art maga-zine. 2012. 88. URL: http://moscowartmagazine.com/issue/9/article/118 (accessed: May 28.2018).
Authors: Shlyahtina Ludmila Mikhaylovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 109-112
УДК: УДК 069.1:37
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-109-112
Keywords: museum pedagogy, museum, sociocultural transformations, visitor, interdisciplinarity, personnel education, department of museology and cultural heritage
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