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The formation of ethno-singing skills of students

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

1. Jusson R. Singing voice: a study of the mainphysiological and acoustic phenomena of the singing voice: transl. from fr. Moscow: Music, 1974. 263 (in Russ.).2. Losev A. F. (introd., comp.) Ancient musical aesthetics.Moscow: Musgiz, 1960. 304 (in Russ).3. Babesin S. D. (comp.), Miturev B. N. (comp.)Anthology of pedagogical thought of Ancient Russia andRussian state XIV–XVII centuries. Moscow: Pedagogika,1985. 363 (in Russ.).4. Solovkov I. A. Anthology of pedagogical thought ofRussia XVIII century. Moscow: Pedagogika, 1985. 480 (in Russ).5. Kozlova P. P., Maximova I. M., Abdrakhmanova M. V.Continuity in the theories of natural and environmentaleducation. Sterlitamak: Sterlitamak dep. of Moscow state Ped.Univ. im. M. A. Sholokhova, 2004. 107 (in Russ).6. Comenius J. A., Locke D., Rousseau J.-J., Pestalozzi I. G.Pedagogical legacy. Moscow: Pedagogika, 1989. 416 (in Russ.).7. Shastina T. V. Basics of teaching children folk singingby means of traditional singing culture. Saint Petersburg: St.-Petersburg State Univ. of Culture and Arts, 2008. 108 (in Russ).

  • Шастина Татьяна Владимировна
  • The problem of insuf cient attention of researchers and practitioners to the formation of sustainable interest of the new generation to folk singing traditions, their need for knowledge and adoption of song-making experience is clearly expressed in modern ethno-vocal pedagogy. Achieving a high level of formation of singing skills is one of the main tasks of ethno-vocal training, the solution of which in the course of professional training is advisable by special methods based on the natural inclinations of the student, using the principle of naturalness, which increases the ef ectiveness of training and allows you to maintain the health of the vocal apparatus. This af ects the formation and development of interest of the younger generation in singing. For the development of natural vocal inclinations in the modern socio-cultural environment, it is necessary to have a pedagogical impact in favorable conditions for each singer, taking into account not only individual and age characteristics, but also the surrounding cultural and domestic environment. The universal method of speech articulation and resonance of singing sound developed by the author can be used in vocal pedagogy for teaching dif erent singing techniques, has no age restrictions and increases the ef ciency of professional training.
Authors: Shastina Tat’yana Vladimirovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 140-144
УДК: УДК [398.8:784.9]:378
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-3-140-144
Keywords: ethnic singing, culture, etnovocal pedagogy, etnovocaleducation, ethno singing skills, principle of nature-conformity
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