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Leisure in the culture of modernity

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

Essential for leisure activities was and has play activity, which is implemented in forms of various, including artistic, practices and entertainment and entertainment, aesthetically and artistically designed actions. The article is devoted to the problems and causes of the industrialization of modern cultural practices, in particular the practice of leisure. It is shown that the ef ects of industrialization in the transformation of physical culture practices into sports, which have ceased to be primarily a game element of culture, are particularly noticeable. And also in the market organization of the development of screen arts and music and the design of entertainment and entertainment events. As a result of all this, although not indisputable, but not groundless, the allegations of a clear decrease in cultural levels by all practitioners of modernized industrialized leisure.

  • Большаков Валерий Павлович
  • 1. Kuzishin V I. (ed.) Dictionary of antiquity: transl. fromGerman. Moscow: Progress, 1989. 704 (in Russ.).2. Bromley Yu. V., Podolny R. G. Created by mankind.Moscow: Progress, 1984. 328 (in Russ.).3. Huizinga J.; Oshisa V. (transl.); Tavrizyan G. M. (ed.)Homo ludens; In the shadow of tomorrow. Moscow: Prog-ress; Progress-Academy, 1992 (in Russ.).4. Fedotov N. G. Cultural Capital as a Factor of Re-gional Modernization. Cultural review: inform. and acad.compendium. Veliky Novgorod, 2010. 2, 23–33 (in Russ.).5. Goncharuk A. Policy in the field of creative indus-tries; foreign experience and Russian realities. URL: http://creativeindustries.ru/rus/publications/6 (accessed: July 5.2019) (in Russ.).
Authors: Bolshakov Valery Pavlovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 11-14
УДК: УДК 316.733 : 379.8
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-11-14
Keywords: leisure, cultural practices, gaming practices, leisure industries, creative industries, clusters, production and consumption, market organization of leisure
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