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Experience in recreating the interiors of the Catherine Palace

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The article considers the evolutionary principle of the restoration from the «heyday» to the «optimal date» using the example of recreating three interiors of the Catherine Palace: Grand, Arabesque and Lyon halls. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that for many years in the Soviet Union these two concepts were equated with each other. In the modern restoration, under the inf uence of the Venice Charter and the Nara Document of Authenticity, the concept of «optimal date» acquired a new scientif c meaning. The purpose of this work was to analyze the changes that occurred: the meaning that is embedded in the term «optimal date» is updated, examples of scientif c arguments for choosing one or another period are given, the inf uence of the old and new approaches on the architectural monument is studied.

  • Магомедова Ольга Борисовна
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Authors: Magomedova Olga Borisovna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 70-74
УДК: УДК 72.025.4[747.012:069(470.23)]
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-70-74
Keywords: restoration, restoration theory, reconstruction, authenticity, reconstruction, Catherine Palace, palace interiors
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