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Visual image in the context of modern media research

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The ontological perspective of the visual image as a phenomenon of culture and media is considered in the work. An essay on the formation of the ontological perspective of a visual image within the framework of the theory and philosophy of photography is given. The author considers the key approaches to the study of modern visuality, namely the concept of the pictorial (visual) turn of W. J. T. Mitchell, the theory of visual culture by N. Mirzoyev, the projects of soft culture and post-medial aesthetics of L. Manovich. On the basis of naturalistic and phenomenological interpretations, the interpretation of the visual image as an optical virtual interface is put forward. A supranational agenda of visual culture is considered. The post-humanistic aspects of the visual image phenomenon are found in the context of digital culture. Conclusions are drawn on the technogenicity and substantiality of the visual image, on its connection with virtuality, mediality and imaginary space.

  • Назаренко Алексей Николаевич
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Authors: Nazarenko Aleksei Nikolaevich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 93-97
УДК: УДК 316.77:7.036-028.22
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-93-97
Keywords: visual image, visual culture, media culture, visual studies, media, media theory, virtuality
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