научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Modern museum landscape and new trends of museum activity

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Museums of modern Russia are among the most important sociocultural institutions. Attention to the museum from the society is due to dif erent factors including the diversity of museums and their ef ective activities. The museum landscape of the country is formed thanks to the creation of museums by dif erent categories of owners. All museums can be divided into two large groups, state and non-state ones. The formation of museums and museum workers associations contributes to the professionalization of museum activities. New topics responsive to needs and demands from society are often presented in specially created museums. The modern Russian museums strive for accessibility and openness of the heritage that they conserve for Russian citizens. This factor determines the current trends of museum activity: new forms of work with the museum audience and attracting new categories of visitors, focus on a specif c target audience, research and experiments in the f eld of exhibition solutions, ef ective exhibition activities, introduction of new information technologies in the museum practice

  • Черкаева Ольга Евгеньевна
  • 1. Museums. Statistical information. Open data Portalof Ministry of culture of Russian Federation: site. URL:https://opendata.mkrf.ru/opendata/7705851331-stat_museum#a:eyJ0YWIiOiJidWlsZF90YWJsZSJ9 (accessed:Oct.28.2019) (in Russ.).2. State report on state of culture in Russian Federationin 2017 / Min. of culture of Russian Federation. Moscow, 2018. 84. URL: https://www.mkrf.ru/activities/reports/report2017/ (accessed: Oct.28.2019) (in Russ.).3. Report on main directions and results of activitiesof Russian Ministry of culture in 2018 and tasks for 2019 /Min. of culture of Russian Federation. Moscow, 2019. 69.URL: https://www.mkrf.ru/activities/reports/index.php(accessed: Oct.28.2019) (in Russ.).4. Khalikova D. IV international conference ICOM of Russia«Corporate museums today». Museum. 2019. 4, 22–27 (in Russ.).5. Institute of Russian realistic art. Guide to perma-nent exhibition. Moscow: Inst. of Russ. realistic art, 2016.76 (in Russ.).6. Garkavy I. Museum of memory of new martyrs andConfessors, victims of Butovo range. Museum. 2019. 1, 21–22(in Russ.).7. Museum of Gulag history: site. URL: https://gmig.ru/exposition/ (accessed: Oct.28.2019) (in Russ.).8. Project «Inclusive Museum»: site. URL: http://icom-russia.com/data/proekty/proekt-inklyuzivnyy-muzey/ (ac-cessed: Oct.28.2019) (in Russ.).9. Programs for third age: site / Pushkins State Museum off ne arts. URL: https://www.pushkinmuseum.art/visitors/excur-sions/third_age/index.php?lang=ru (accessed: Oct.28.2019)(in Russ.).10. State catalogue of Museum Fund of Russian Fed-eration: site / Min. of culture of Russian Federation. URL:https://goskatalog.ru/portal/#/ (accessed: Oct.28.2019)(in Russ.).11. Museum of Nature and Man: site. URL: http://www.ugramuseum.ru/ru (accessed: Oct.28.2019) (in Russ.)
Authors: Cherkaeva Ol’ga Evgen’evna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 131-136
УДК: УДК 069(470:001.895)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-131-136
Keywords: museums of Russia, museum landscape, state museums, non-state museums, associations of museums, accessibility of a museum
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