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«Verbal sciences» at the Imperial Public Library (1795–1849)

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

In the history of the country"s librarianship, the second half of the 18th century marked by a number of signif cant events. Throughout this period, public libraries appeared. The further development of Russian science and culture inevitably required the creation of a national book depository, which centrally accumulated all the printed materials of the country in Russian and contained the most important works in foreign languages. Progressively minded f gures of the country, including a prominent state dignitary, famous philanthropist Count A. S. Stroganov and his assistant A. N. Olenin, were at the forefront of creating a national book depository. The bibliographic system developed by A. N. Olenin in terms of the Class of literature is examined in detail, its advantages and disadvantages are noted, a circle of people engaged in describing books of the indicated subjects is revealed. It is emphasized that, although librarians received library departments in their charge, there was no person actually in charge of the Language class, like most other departments, during this period. The branches already mentioned during the period of A. N. Olenin’s directorship were not stable administrative units, there was a discrepancy, both among them and in the names. These were large collections in various specialties, which were not laid in the basis of the administrative division of the Library.

  • Михеева Галина Васильевна
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Authors: Mikheeva Galina Vasil’evna
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 171-178
УДК: УДК 027.54(470.23-25)(091)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-171-178
Keywords: national library, bibliographic classif cation, Imperial Public Library, history of librarianship, A. N. Olenin, A. S. Stroganov
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