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Local textbooks on the theory of book science

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

A prepared series of papers is devoted to the current state of af airs and prospects for the development of Russian textbooks on book science. Local textbooks and workbooks on the theory of book science are explored in the f rst article. A detailed and comprehensive analysis of educational publications written by A. A. Belovitskaya, I. E. Barenbaum, G. N. Shvetsova-Vodka, S. V. Glushkov is made. The authors also give attention to textbooks on such related disciplines as medialogy, theory of communication and take into consideration the works of I. V. Kiria and A. A. Novikova, N. B. Mechkovskaya and R. S. Gilyarevsky. It is concluded that the existing Russian educational literature directly devoted to the theory of book science has seriously lagged behind advanced achievements of book science thought, does not ref ect the current state of af airs in book science as an interdisciplinary f eld and is in need to be radically updated.

  • Эльяшевич Дмитрий Аркадьевич
  • Мутьев Виктор Алексеевич
  • 1. Belovitskaya A. A. General Bibliography: a study guide.Moscow: Kniga, 1987. 256 (in Russ.).2. El"yashevich D. A. Book science: life after death. Pro-ceedings of Saint-Petersburg University of Culture. 2018. 217,60–63 (in Russ.).3. Belovitskaya A. A. Book Science. General book science:a textbook. Moscow: Moscow State Univ. of Printing Arts,2007. 393 (in Russ.).4. Barenbaum I. E. Fundamentals of book science: work-book for the course «Book Science and the History of Books».Leningrad: N. K. Krupskaja Leningrad State Inst. of Culture,1988. 91 (in Russ.).5. Shvetsova-Vodka G. N. The general theory of the docu-ment and books: workbook. Moscow: Rybari; Kiev: Znannya, 2009. 487 (in Russ.).6. Glushkov S. V. Book science. Philosophy of the book:textbook and training workshop for undergraduate andgraduate programs. 2nd ed., rev. and add. Moscow: Publ.house «Yurait», 2019. 122 (in Russ.).7. Kiriya I. V., Novikova A. A. History and theory of media:textbook for universities. Moscow: Higher School of Econom-ics, publ. house, 2017. 423 (in Russ.).8. Mechkovskaya N. B. History of language and historyof communication: course of lectures. 2nd ed., rev. Moscow:Flinta, 2016. 584 (in Russ.).9. Gilyarevskii R. S. Fundamentals of computer science: course of lectures. Moscow: Examen, 2004. 320 (in Russ.).
Authors: Elyashevich Dmitry Arkadevich
Mut’ev Viktor Alekseevich
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 179-183
УДК: УДК 002.2(075.8):655
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2019-4-179-183
Keywords: book science, theory of book science, textbook, study materials, information, communication, medialogy
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