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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Prevention of violence in the contemporary sociocultural context

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The article, in the context of modern public discourse, examines the problem of violence prevention. The actualization of this issue is related to the discussion of the draft law «On Domestic Violence», initiated by a number of non-profi t organizations in accordance with the «Istanbul Convention of the Council of Europe on the Prevention and Combating of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence 2011». According to them, in the Russian Federation women are practically not protected from domestic violence and male arbitrariness. However, this does not comply with the existing legislative framework and the prevailing multidimensional practice of preventing violent manifestations of various kinds, is not confi rmed by statistical data, and contradicts cultural traditions. The domestic prevention system is based on a complex of legal, psychological, pedagogical, and socio-cultural measures to counter violence. Information throws and lobbying for legislative decisions pursue four main goals related to the deconstruction of the existing system for the prevention of violence and the devaluation of the institution of the family. Sociocultural and pedagogical strategies for strengthening the family, protecting childhood and motherhood should be the basis of modern tools of pedagogical activity as well as countering manipulative practices. 

  • Сукало Александр Александрович
  • 1. Dorofeev I. P. How much in Russia is Moscow. URL: https://dedadi.ru/obshhestvo/skolko-v-rossii-musulman.html (accessed: Apr.04.2020) (in Russ.). 2. Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period until 2030: approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of Febr. 29.2016 № 326-p (as amended by the order of the Government of the Russia of Mar.30.2018 № 551-р). URL: https://www.garant.ru/products/ipo/prime/doc/71243400/. (accessed: Mar.31.2020) (in Russ.). 3. Federal law of May 19.1995 № 82-ФЗ «On Public Associations»: adopted by the State Duma on Apr.14.1995 with amend. and add. on Dec.13.2019. URL: https://base.garant. com/10164186/ (accessed: Mar.31.2020) (in Russ.).
Authors: Sukalo Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 109-114
УДК: УДК 364.63-787
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-109-114
Keywords: violence prevention, manipulative practices, information technology, protection of the family and childhood, social and cultural activities, non-directive pedagogy
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