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New competencies of information workers in the digitalization of communication channels

  • Annotation
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  • List of references

In the context of the development of information and computer technologies, scientifi c communications are changing, therefore, the understanding of changes in the processes of information interaction in the scientifi c and professional community is one of the most relevant topics. These changes require scientifi c and technical libraries of new ways to implement professional functions and tasks. The purpose of this work is to determine the competencies of modern information workers necessary to provide eff ective information services, including the development of new forms and directions of activity. Important competencies in the fi eld of providing documentary and bibliographic services, conducting comprehensive information research, and promoting the results of scientifi c activities are highlighted. There is a demand for traditional library and information skills and knowledge for the development of scientifi c communication systems. It is concluded that the requirements for professional competencies of librarians and information workers in modern conditions are not radically revised but are supplemented in accordance with changes in the external environment. 

  • Крулев Андрей Александрович
  • 1. Lacy W. B., Bush L. Informal scientifi c communication in the agricultural science. Information Processing and Management. 1983. 19 (4), 193–202. 2. Galyavieva M. S. On the new role of scientifi c libraries in the modern information environment of scientifi c communication. Bulletin of Kazan State University of Culture and Arts. 2014. 1, 104–109 (in Russ.). 3. Paramonova I. E. Competence models for special libraries’ professionals: foreign experience. Scientifi c and technical libraries. 2019. 7, 3–13. (in Russ.). 4. Brezhneva V. V., Gilyarevsky R. S. From information service to information management. Scientifi c and technical information. Ser. 1. 2015. 5, 7–9 (in Russ.). 5. Gordukalova G. F. (ed.), Mikheeva G. V. (ed.) Reference bibliographer. 4th ed., rev. and suppl. Saint-Petersburg: Professija, 2014.768 (in Russ.).
Authors: Krulev Andrey Aleksandrovich
Рубрика: Документальная информация
Pages: 155-157
УДК: УДК 023.5:004
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-2-154-157
Keywords: scientifi c communications, digital channels of scientifi c communications, professional competencies, scientometrics, information service
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