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«The Great Neurosis» of Jacques Loysel and Alfred Kubin

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On the example of the work «The Great Neurosis» by the French sculptor Jacques Loysel and «Europe» by
the Austrian graphic artist Alfred Kubin, it is described and analyzed how artists gave characteristics of changes in
their eras, using the same visual image associated with a mental illness. It is proved that while Loysel’s artwork was
associated with the latest discoveries in medicine, then Kubin’s artwork was reinterpreted in a new way, reflecting
the problems and experiences of the «lost generation». From this it follows that the example of the works «The
Great Neurosis» and «Europe» by Loysel and Kubin can be traced not only to evolution, but also to the introduction
of the pathological image of the “hysterical body” both in the art of the XXth century and in contemporary art
practices. Such a study demonstrates the relevance and significance of studying the links between, as well as the
analysis of the impact of mechanisms of institutions of disciplinary power on the visual arts of various eras.

  • Мартынова Дарья Олеговна
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Authors: Martynova Daria Olegovna
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 144-149
УДК: УДК [730.036(44)+76(436)]:616.8
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-3-144-149
Keywords: Jacques Loysel, Alfred Kubin, medicine and art, vizualisations of madness, hysteria, corporeality, repres sed image, visual culture
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