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вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Traditional definition of the «national style» in the Polish art history

  • Annotation
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The article examines the problems of the diverse influence of environmental elements, in which different
forms of local art developed. The concept of the environment in the research is interpreted in all the aspects of
the term. The influence of the social environment, national characteristics, the natural environment, the importance
of aesthetic and historical interpretation, emotional and cognitive perception are analyzed in detail, as well as the
parallel process of separating of canonized styles into national currents. It is emphasized here that the determining
factor of merging of a certain mass of artistic phenomena into one whole is, first, the spiritual unity against which
culture arises. A peculiarity of the proposed form of analysis is to consider this influence not at the definite period
time, but in the dynamic context of historical changes under the influence of different factors

  • Мун Елизавета Александровна
  • 1. Lomidze G. I. Unity and diversity. 2nd ed., add.Moscow: Sovet. pisatel’, 1960. 527 (in Russ.).2. Gębarowicz M. Studia nad dziejami kulturyartystycznej późnego renesansu w Polsce. Toruń: T-woNaukowe w Toruniu; Łódź: Państwowe Wydaw. Naukowe,1962. 413. (Prace Wydziału filol.-filoz.; t. 13, z. 2).3. Piwocki K. Zagadnienie rodzimej twórczościw badaniach nad sztuką polskiego renesansu. Studiarenesansowe. Wrocław 1956. 1, 87–121.
Authors: Mun Elizaveta Alexandrovna
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 150-154
УДК: УДК 7.031.2(438)
DOI: DOI 10.30725/2619-0303-2020-3-150-154
Keywords: polish art, environment, national peculiarities, aesthetic analysis, historical interpretation
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