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Repertoire bases of professional development of pop-jazz vocalist

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  • List of references

The study deals with the issues of structuring the pedagogical repertoire used in the preparation of pop-jazz singing performers. The aspects related to the principles of selection of the pedagogical repertoire used in the process of forming the basic competencies of a professional vocalist are highlighted. In the article, the author refers to the concepts of «pedagogical repertoire», «professional competencies of a vocalist» and defines the stylistic approach of the determinant of the model in mastering the pedagogical repertoire and an important aspect of the formation of professional competencies of a pop-jazz vocalist. The division of the studied repertoire into certain groups and levels, according to the author, makes it possible to more clearly structure all the material recommended for mastering as part of the learning process. The paper introduces the concept of «repertoire matrix» of a teacher - a vocalist, which is one of the productive forms of mastering the pedagogical repertoire and increasing the overall repertoire volume while maintaining the qualitative characteristics of the performance. A systematic approach to mastering the pedagogical repertoire, which includes all the main stylistic layers of pop-jazz vocal culture, reflected in the working pedagogical programs, serves as a coordinate point of correlation for the formation of the vocalist’s professional competencies.

  • Решетникова Наталья Сергеевна
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Authors: Reshetnikova Nataliya Sergeevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 88-93
УДК: 784.75.036.9
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2023-2-88-93
Keywords: pedagogical repertoire, pop-jazz pedagogical repertoire, educational and developmental repertoire, concert and examination repertoire, concert-thematic repertoire, professional competence of the vocalist, professional performer, repertoire matrix
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