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Ontogenesis of scientific museological schools in Russian universities of culture

  • Annotation
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the criteria for identifying a scientific museological school. During the study, open information resources were studied, which made it possible to identify the activities of departments that train museologists, the composition of graduating departments, publication activity, etc. The analysis made it possible to identify the formed scientific directions of work of museum departments. During the study, departments that trained museologists were identified on the basis of educational organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Culture RF, open information resources were studied, which made it possible to identify the activities of the departments and their composition, publication activity, etc. During the study, formed scientific directions were established works of museum departments aimed at theoretical and practical issues of the science of museology. All this together allowed us to conclude that the development of departments producing bachelors and masters of museologists is heterogeneous, which at this stage is justified by the polarly different timing of the opening of departments, starting from the late 1980s and ending 2021.

  • Родионова Дарья Дмитриевна
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Authors: Rodionova Darya Dmitrievna
Рубрика: Культурология
Pages: 57-61
УДК: 069.01:378.095(470)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2024-1-57-61
Keywords: scientific school, scientific direction, museology, identification criteria
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