научный журнал
вестник Санкт-Петербургского государственного
института культуры

Newspaper «Pionerskaya Pravda» about foreign language teaching

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

The article considers the role and place of the subject «foreign language» in the education system in the first Soviet decade. The events of 1917 changed the activities of general educational institutions and the content of educational programs. New ideological and educational priorities, organizational reasons led to practical cessation of foreign languages teaching in general education institutions. Positive changes have been taking place since the second half of the 1920s. Strengthening international cooperation and solving the problems of industrialization contributed to an increase of the need for people who speak foreign languages. Attempts were made to popularize the Esperanto language. Children’s periodicals are valuable sources on the history of education. The newspaper «Pionerskaya Pravda» paid great attention to education, including the teaching of foreign languages. The pages of the «Pionerskaya Pravda» were reflected various aspects of the organization of foreign language education, the existed problems and achieved success. The change of state policy regarding to the teaching of foreign languages has led to an increase in the number of publications related to this topic. The content of the publications was aimed at increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to learn a foreign language.

  • Левченко Ольга Юрьевна
  • Levchenko O. Yu. The history of the study of the Esperanto language in Transbaikalia at the end of the 19th-first quarter of the 20th centuryю Siberian Pedagogical Journal. 2010, 1. 278–292 (in Russ.)
  • Mirolyubov A. A. The history of the domestic methodology for teaching foreign languages. Moscow: Steps, Infra-M, 2002. 448 (in Russ.).
  • Pioneer truth. 1925. Oct. 16, N 32 (in Russ.).
  • Pioneer truth. 1927. Febr. 20, N 08 (102) (in Russ.).
  • Pioneer truth. 1928. Apr. 4, N 27 (in Russ.).
  • Pioneer truth. 1928. Nov. 24, N 101 (244) (in Russ.).
  • Pioneer truth. 1928. Nov. 15, N 097 (240) (in Russ.).
  • Pioneer truth. 1928. Apr. 25, N 33 (176) (in Russ.).
  • Pioneer truth. 1929. Jan. 8, N 004 (262) (in Russ.)
Authors: Levchenko Olga Uurevna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Pages: 96-100
УДК: 070(091):[37.016:81’243](47+57)”191/192”
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2024-1-96-100
Keywords: history of teaching, foreign language, Esperanto, newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda
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