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Modern children’s book illustration: composition, space, movement, time

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The composition in a modern children’s book is associated with solving the problems of space and movement. Dynamics is part of the structure of the book, the book design system is determined by the movement of the plot, the principles of reception, the rhythm of the font and the alternation of images are dynamic. The principles of space construction in a modern children’s book are associated with the leading means of artistic expression of the art of graphics. The space of the book turns into a narrative, a space of history; narrative space acts as the theme of the image, and the void is also narrative as a kind of figure of silence. Space as an artistic technique uses the principles of panorama, division into plans, and the location of the horizon line. The transformation of time in the structure of a modern children’s book is focused on the concept of dialogue between the plot and the image. Time uses a reception complex, focusing on perception, viewing, interactive practices, book design can use the principle of repetition and return. The epoch style and font can mark the epoch. Space and time act in book design as a system of plot development, a spacetime continuum. The time of the narration, the time of the artist and the time of the viewer can exist in a synchronous and diachronic format. Time as a character change involves the interpretation of a theme, a change in spatial coordinates, search, study, movement. The use of a certain point of view and foreshortening in the composition of a modern children’s book illustration can be achieved by the technique of duplication of viewing, an image «from the back» or from above, a panoramic view and fragmentation. Classical «pictorial» composition and spatial construction are often used. The theme of movement in the composition of the book is associated with the popularity of the type of travelogue book (tales of wandering-the formation of a hero, educational literature, travel literature, guidebooks). Methods of constructing space in the book composition system – top view, angular composition, combination of spatial plans, close-up. The dynamics of the font correlates with the dynamics of the text, the letters «come to life». Several effects associated with new media: animation, cinematic effect of space, theatricalization, imitation of a recognizable screensaver. The serial nature of the images can apply a sequential arrangement of the stages of movement, «storyboard», step-bystep approach or removal of the object, dialogic composition, close-up.

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Authors: Arutyunyan Yuliya Ivanovna
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Pages: 102-107
УДК: 769.2-053.2
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2024-1-102-107
Keywords: composition in art, space in fine art, space-time continuum in art, movement in fine art, font in graphics, children’s book graphics, modern art books, book in the domestic art of the XXI century
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