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Early works of Charles Conder in art context of «Heidelberg School»

  • Annotation
  • Authors
  • List of references

Artistic practice of Australian Impressionism is one of the lacunae in the history of art. In the Russian art studies this phenomenon is almost completely overlooked. The paper proposes a review of the work of Charles Conder as one of the most prominent representatives of the so-called «Heidelberg School» or association of Australian impressionist artists.

  • Исаева Ольга Анатольевна
  • Герман М. Ю. Импрессионизм: основоположники и последователи. М.: Азбука, 2017. С. 6.
  • Громов Н. Н. Анзаки - герои битв и жертвы политики: образ австралийского солдата в произведениях искусства // Тр. СПбГУКИ. 2008. Т. 178. С. 29-34.
  • Прокофьев О. Искусство Австралии // Всеобщая история искусств. М.: Искусство: Акад. художеств СССР, 1965. Т. 6. С. 403-408.
  • Ревалд Дж. История импрессионизма. М.: Аванта+: Аст, 2011. С. 412.
  • Ashton J. An aim for Australian art // Centennial magazine. 1888.Vol. 1, № 1, Aug. Р. 30.
  • Clark J., Whitelaw B. Golden summers: Heidelberg and beyond. Sidney: Intern: Cultural Corporation of Australia, 1985. P. 12.
  • Eagle M. The oil painting of Charles Conder in National Gallery of Australia. Canberra, 1997. P. 13.
  • Galbally A. Charles Conder: the last bohemian. Melbourne, 2002. Р. 46.
  • Galbally A. Portrait of the surveyor as a young artist // Australian impressionism. Melbourne: National Gallery of Victory, 2007. P. 76.
  • Gott T. Charles Conder, Arthur Streeton and problem children of Australian impressionism // Australian impressionism. P. 249.
  • Lane T. The 9 by 5 impression exhibition - the challenge of the sketch // Australian impressionism. Melbourne: National Gallery of Victory, 2007. Р. 112.
Authors: Isaeva Olga Anatolievna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 133-136
УДК: 7.036.2(94)
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2017-3-133-136
Keywords: impressionism, plein air, Heidelberg School, Australian artists, Australian Impressionism, fine art
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