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Symbol of Mount in cult practice of Jainism

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The Mountain as one of the forms of the Axis Mundi is associated with the pervasive belief in the possibility of communication between Earth and Heaven and with the ascent of the spirit from the profane to the sacred. In the Jain mythology, where the symbolism of the Mountain is especially developed, it pushes into the background, and at times replaces one of the main images of the Center - the World Tree. A number of topical issues related to the image of the Mountain, both directly in the Jain mythological tradition, and in the culture of Ancient India is considered. Particular attention is paid to the semantic analysis of the image of the Mountain, which has had a significant impact on the ritual and temple architecture of Jainism.

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Authors: Grachkova Kseniya Andreevna
Рубрика: Без названия
Pages: 32-37
УДК: 234-526.6
DOI: 10.30725/2619-0303-2017-4-32-37
Keywords: Jainism, Mountain, temple, architecture, ritual, culture of Ancient India
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